Own goals from the club for Newcastle United fans post-Wembley | OneFootball

Own goals from the club for Newcastle United fans post-Wembley | OneFootball

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·22 March 2025

Own goals from the club for Newcastle United fans post-Wembley

Article image:Own goals from the club for Newcastle United fans post-Wembley

As Newcastle United fans, what a week we’ve had.

The euphoria of winning that first cup under Eddie Howe hasn’t worn off.

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Banishing decades of unwanted history has been most welcome and will quite rightly be celebrated.

Be it the ordering of commemorative artwork, or attending cup winning parties, whatever floats your boat, it’s all welcome.

However, since (Big) Dan Burn and Alexander Isak found the net last Sunday, I fear the club have made a few own goals in recent days, in regards to how they present the accolade of League Cup/Carabao Cup winners.

Now I don’t wish to be deliberately provocative.

Nor do I want to belittle achievement or slaughter anyone, but I feel the following must be said, regardless of who it upsets.

And upset it probably will.

Firstly, the “parade” (if you can even call it that) to be held on the Town Moor next Saturday, comes across as the most half-baked “celebration” I’ve ever heard of.

Rewatched footage of the 90 minutes from Wembley is fair enough, you’ll need that to pad out the hours and hours of time you will be stuck on the Town Moor.

Bands playing is fair enough, it will be a carnival atmosphere.

But the absence of alcohol? Over the protracted four hours? Someone has missed a trick there. Be it the police, the council or both, that’s a massive own goal.

I don’t know how many people will be in attendance but if 10,000 people bought a (very expensive) pint, probably priced around the £6 mark, that would generate £60,000 of revenue instantly. You could easily see that trebled. Which Newcastle fan is going to stop at one pint? At a trophy celebration? Kids will want hot dogs and souvenirs , adults will want pints and probably hot dogs and souvenirs. The money making side of things has been criminally overlooked. Strang, in these times, where anything can be rustled up to milk a cash cow.

The other aspect I find strange is the day in question. Saturday? I understand the logistics of closing roads might be an issue but surely that would have been easier on a much quieter Sunday. More people would likely be off work as well.

And talking of road closures, no bus parade I’m hearing?


This further emphasises that a Sunday would have been a far better day for the event to take place.

The other thing is a personal preference and that is, I’d have preferred the presentation to have been at our home, at St James’ Park.

Granted, that would have limited the attendance to the 52k mark.

However, more could have been there for a “walk up” with the cup outside the ground with the team bus but that would have necessitated the open top bus around the city. Someone REALLY hasn’t thought this all through and maximised the full potential of a Sunday event.

Many Newcastle United fans probably in agreement, or seeing those opinions as at least reasonable, at this point.

The other grievance I have, is where some may disagree and dare I say it, disassociate themselves with my stance and comments. Ok, tin hat on.

The presentation of the cup before the Newcastle United women’s game on Sunday against the mackems.

A full on – NO!

Which idiot thought this was a good idea?

I’ve been long standing in my opinion that growing the women’s game is very important.

Amanda Staveley was a champion of this and more power to her. She was fantastic for this aspect of Newcastle United. The more our women’s team grow, the better.

Article image:Own goals from the club for Newcastle United fans post-Wembley

But sticking the men’s conquest out front and centre? Do me a favour.

My stance is simple.

The women didn’t win it.

Yes, it’s a club and “all in it together” thing but that’s extremely disrespectful…Oh by the way…TO THE WOMEN.

What could be a worse thing to do, before the women’s derby against the mackems, is to chuck a men’s trophy out for the attendees to applaud. “Here’s what you haven’t won ladies!” and “Men are the best.” Charming!

Lost a few of you yet?

This presentation is BEFORE the actual “Parade Day.”

Talk about bringing the party down, or demeaning the celebration.

A bit like someone telling you the ending to the film you’re watching, or an exclusive that isn’t an exclusive, where many others can say “Yeah, we already know that.”

This comes across as a shameless attempt at boosting the crowd for the women’s match.

Nothing wrong with that in principle but I feel this is highlighted in my point number FOUR.


Presenting a male trophy that the male team have won, doesn’t do anything for the women’s game.

It actually puts the women’s game down.

Some fans will be there on Sunday to see the trophy that the men have won. Shock, horror, some fans aren’t interested in the women’s game. That works both ways, some aren’t bothered about the men’s game. I get that as well.

I have no problem with those sorts of fans, although I do feel that the club is more unified with a competitive and hopefully successful female side to the club.

The women’s game are getting there on that. Once again, credit to Amanda Staveley for setting the wheels in motion on that. I doubt this decision would have been made if she’d have still been here.

So. A few things for you to digest. I’ll stand by all of them.

I’ll reiterate…

I want the women’s game to grow BUT I don’t think presenting a men’s trophy at a women’s game is the respectful way to do that.

I want Eddie Howe’s team to get credit for winning the trophy and as many fans as possible to see such a celebration. I don’t think cramming everyone on the Town Moor is the best way to do this.

A trophy celebration for Newcastle United is historic and for the City to celebrate.

A bus parade is traditional and all inclusive.

Gathering on the Town Moor, if that’s the sole plan, doesn’t do this.

What WOULD be iconic is having a bus set off from say the Hilton on Gateshead Quayside and going over the famous Tyne Bridge and up towards Barrack Road and presented to the club’s fans inside the club’s home – St James’ Park.

Those in attendance at the ground could swell the coffers inside St James’ Park waiting for the trophy to meander through the city, with many fans outside celebrating as they wish, while bringing trade to the city on an otherwise ordinary Sunday. It would have been a win/win for the club, the city and the occasion.

Best of luck to the women on Sunday. Get the right result.

Those that see the trophy at both the game and then at the event next weekend, enjoy it. It is STILL fresh in my mind and worth every piece of joy it has brought to many. Well done to Eddie Howe and the lads.

But alas, this celebration seems to come across as more of a damp squid and a massive missed opportunity that pleases a few, not enough and subtly tramples on a few others parades in the process.

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